Hello Friends, Howdy. Guess what? The snow from Oregon followed me accross the country, 3000 miles to Asheville. Well, we don't have enough snow for a Snow Family yet, but this is North Carolina and we'll take what we can get. The drive went well; my Sister in Davis, CA showed me around at her gory pathology office, and my 6 year old cousin in Nasheville TN showed me her sweet new Robo Raptor toy. Back in Asheville I'm looking for balance between getting my shit together for India and relaxing and enjoying my time. I'm not having an easy time of it. I'm feeling way stressed, I miss ya'll, and on top of that we had to put our dog to sleep yesterday. I'm not predicting a nervous breakdown or anything, but I'll admit to being somewhat depressed.
I know that I left the house quietly, and I'm truly sorry if anyone felt slighted by the lack of a goodbye. I apologize for having become insensitive to leaving, and for generally doing a poor job of farewells. I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my time at the house, and I consider myself very fortunate to have been a part of the Goodness Collective. There was a lot of pain in leaving you all. And there will be a lot of joy in seeing each of you again.
I have finished something I am eager to share. I made a blog of my own (ethanburns.blogspot.com), filled it with pictures and stories from my past, and now it's ready to continue with tales of adventure from India. Go ahead and cruise back through time and see where I've been, and check back to see where I'm going. Hopefully, this will be a good blog and you will enjoy checking it. I will, as well, continue to post here at GC.com once in a while.
Ahh sweet sadness... I reminiss already. Writing Oregon makes me feel like I'm there, on the couch, writing these words. Begin plays guitar. There's a fire. Travis is cooking quinwa and Tessa and Tex are being girly, laughing with femininity. I feel joy to imagine the house and its occupants, and with that joy in my heart I give a BIG HUG to you all. Many thanks. Be well, With Love, Ethan.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for the post it's great to get an update. Let me know when you get over here.
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