Hello, Goodologists!
As I prepare to wander away from this continent for the first time, I'm finishing my photography/community project related to Bend.
Please feel free to explore my new website. If you haven't received the associated essay, email me or respond to this post and I'll send it to you. Hopefully it will also be available for a download on my gallery shortly.
Once you select the "Bend" gallery, wait a few moments for the photos to all load. When you click on one it should expand with information to its left.
Please don't try to print these photos; they're low resolution and small. If you want a digital copy of one, let me know and I'll send you a high quality version directly, with the permission of the individual.
I'll be adding further community galleries when I return from Indonesia in the fall.
Love you all! Thanks for everything, and keep in touch! You're all important to me...and to a lot of people, I imagine--