move in...excepting, of course, for the wigwam, which still holds its place in the backyard, a lasting testament to the unique mindsets of the individuals that have frequented the house in the past two years.
Not even two years! On the last official night of our rental agreement, September 11, 2008, Trav walked through the empty rooms, poked his head in the cubby and the basement, stared at the spot where his bed once lay, and climbed out onto the roof. He stared at the moon, felt the warm summer evening breeze, and shut his eyes, allowing flashed of memories to occupy his head; thousands of feet have passed through this house! Hundreds of costumes, laughs, chords, and embraces...

As the residents of the house and the community scatter to the four winds and seven seas, many of us can't help but reminisce a bit. So many friends! This is what community is; potlucks continue, we laugh together and we all continue to hold our values with each other and help each other out with whatever talents and skills we possess. The world will be a healthier place if we only allow ourselves comfortable human contact, hugs, and the sharing of stories. Keep all of your stories strong...

Thank you all...thanks again! The friendships, trust, music, art, and poetry that have been born of this phenomenon will last a long time and, hopefully, continue to be passed along. It's not about the house, you know. Keep having potlucks.

You're beautiful. Keep in touch and keep posting--