Monday, August 25, 2008
Having a Great Time Not At Burning Man
We're at home. Drinking wine.
With abandon.
Steve and Trav have not been thinking of Burning Man. In fact, we did our best to purge our minds of the beautiful people, strange sights, and odd feelings that are to be expected there...
And so, being so rudely reminded of the fantastic experiences that their friends are no doubt having right now, Steve and Trav resolved to have a really great time at home.
They painted Arlo the Van and sat in it for awhile...
Then they decided to make their own little playa in the back yard with a Rototiller.
See how much fun Steve is having not at Burning Man?
Stomp, stomp...yaaa! Dust storm!
Just one of the amazing art installations at the Goodness Playa:
Luckily, before they had too much fun riding their bicycles up and down Ogden Street, Judy showed up at the common space to rally them for a very very sweet, super loud, wild, naked dance party at Townsend's Teahouse, after which Trav had his own little "Critical Go-Get-The Mail" bike race.
Hope you're all having a good time down there in Nevada. We were about to blow up the wigwam in a giant fireball, but Jon came home from work and said we couldn't. You guys are missing out.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Goodness Collective's Midsummer Night's Potluck...LAST ONE!
Friends and Community Comrades-
Here it I am...excitement and a bit of solemnity in my chest and my smile...this Saturday is The Goodness Collective's First Annual Going-Away Party/Midsummer Night's Potluck! Yes, it's our Last big party and we want to let everybody in the community know how much you all mean to us. There's a "For Rent" sign in our yard; some of us are moving things into boxes; the sun is soon to dip low in the sky as many of us part ways and scatter about the world this fall.
So, This Saturday, August 16, join us for a great little shindig at the house on Ogden Street. The theme, "A Midsummer Night's Potluck" should instill thoughts of the forest, of myths, legends, etc. Feel free to dress up accordingly...or don't, that's fine too. It starts around 6:30pm, but feel free to show up early and help decorate.
The date starts with Community Capture the Flag in Drake Park; meet at the amphitheater by the foot bridge by noon.
If you contribute a dish of food, please avoid disposable plates, cups, and silverware. We always run out and have to wash things, but that's better than creating trash, isn't it?
Some things to expect at the potluck include:
-A Live Musical Collage, hosted by David Bowers and friends; bring instuments and join in with our backup house band!
-Fire Spinning and performance;
-A salmon bake with the spoils of Brent, Steve, and Ian's Alaskan escapades;
-Wine tasting in the wigwam: Bring a bottle of wine to add to the lineup;
-Wing making in Tex's room;
-Some sort of art project in the garage (any ideas?);
-Story-telling and ballad-singing;
-Lots of costumes!
-Lots of food!
You're all wonderful and you each contribute to our experiences in such rich, unique, wonderful ways. thank you so much. Hope to see you this Saturday! Expect a lot of fun--
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Jenna on the Summerfest Stage;
A bass and a banjo in love;
The bassist for Bellavia;
Dennis Plant;
Don Delach, playing the part of Marshal Dillon in Gunsmoke;
Amy at the Sparrow's Farmer's Market Booth;
Anastacia at Summerfest;
Julie Southwell (one of the Sweet Harlots);
Laurel Brauns (the other Harlot);
Briana, Ashley, and Emily;
Malerie in the Steens;
Lilli minus one appendix;
Jon, Karen, and an onion;
Laura and Niko;
Pearl with her hand in the Cherries;
Emily, having been insulted by a mango;
Erin (half of The Erins);
Cheri and Ritter at the Market;
Cheri and Ritter again;
Ashley with something on her arm;
Bitterbrush Band;
Scott from Estrola, one of the grooviest groups in the area;
Frank from Estrola;
Shireen, the final piece of the group;
Erin (the rest of The Erins);
Jenny Harada;
Joe Schulte;
Tessa and Garrett;
Becky and Verda;
Whats-his-name...oh shoot...he plays banjo...
Rachael Karlin and Alicia;
Alicia and Josh;
Yes, Alicia and Josh again;
Steve's big public debut;
Alicia and Joe;
Allison and Sailor;
Jeff Cooney;
Malerie, who is far too far away;
Two from Emily Lewis, who works closely with a guitar and a breeze;
For those of you in the area, my portraits are still up at Sparrow Bakery for a week or so; and hey...don't you forget about the August 16th potluck! There's events and music shaping up, so stay tuned!
Thanks for looking; you're all important to me--