We're at home. Drinking wine.
With abandon.
Steve and Trav have not been thinking of Burning Man. In fact, we did our best to purge our minds of the beautiful people, strange sights, and odd feelings that are to be expected there...


And so, being so rudely reminded of the fantastic experiences that their friends are no doubt having right now, Steve and Trav resolved to have a really great time at home.
They painted Arlo the Van and sat in it for awhile...

Then they decided to make their own little playa in the back yard with a Rototiller.
See how much fun Steve is having not at Burning Man?

Stomp, stomp...yaaa! Dust storm!

Just one of the amazing art installations at the Goodness Playa:

Luckily, before they had too much fun riding their bicycles up and down Ogden Street, Judy showed up at the common space to rally them for a very very sweet, super loud, wild, naked dance party at Townsend's Teahouse, after which Trav had his own little "Critical Go-Get-The Mail" bike race.
Hope you're all having a good time down there in Nevada. We were about to blow up the wigwam in a giant fireball, but Jon came home from work and said we couldn't. You guys are missing out.