And so we have arrived to nearly the middle of the Summer. The GC is of good spirit! Currently in residence: Travis, Myself, Ashley, Jon Begin, Tex, and our recent highly anticipated addition: Jenna Lindbo {{{ecstatic squeel}}}!
Scott Shaverdian left months ago. He found a wonderful job in Moab, Utah wherein he is teaching ecology to kids while rafting the Rogue. I think its the Rogue. Kelly left on a whim to sail from Florida to a foreign exotic country. Trinidad I believe. Allan Capp has been working for Cathrine Freer for a few months now, and recently returned to visit us after a vacation to the Hawaii. He meant to surf but the surf wasn't so surfable so he acquired a bike and rode his heart out, at the end of which a woman gave him fruit and some other delectables. Brent has disappeared into a Tundra North of the United States. He left with a windshieldless motorcycle, no food,
and no beer. He chose to take a tent, some warm clothes, and lemon and cayenne pepper infused water. All of this fitted into a milk crate on the back of his yellow steed. He contacted me upon his arrival in Anchorage. He explained that he was well and that after cayenne and lemon water for a week, consumption of maple syrup made him "feel as if [he] could do anything in the world".
Colin Franger left us at the end of March. He is living in his blue love bus in a place called French Gulch. Eyewitness reports insist that he is in his element and truly loves working with the kids at an Adventure Therapy program there. A recent report from Franger explained that he is on his way to Washington to sail for 8 weeks. Beautiful Frang! Love him... we all love him... love his beard, love his cheeks. His frumpy head of hair. Miss you Franger!
We had a fantastic Mother's Day potluck! Mothers and fathers travelled great distances to be here. Trav's mom came... she carpooled with Simone's parents. Brent's parents traveled here as well as Franger parents. My parents flew from Florida to visit for the weekend. And then of course there were all the wonderful moms and dads from around town! We had great food, a mobile and seed ball project set up by Aaron, and themed rooms throughout the house.

Begin's wigwam was, as usual, the hotspot. There was a line to get in and for quite sometime there were no less than twenty people within its bounds.
Speaking of the Wam, its leaning to the North quite a bit. Its been slowly but surely... leaning. Its still very livable however. Our landlord visited recently for the first time in a year . Upon observing the semi-permanent structure she turned to her boyfriend and said " Hey Todd, lets spend a night in the hut shall we!?" I insisted that they reserve, explaining that the Wam already holds appeal for multiple couples and ,based on past observations, agendas can tend to unwittingly "overlap". She agreed to reserve.
The Farmer's Market has begun for the Summer. I visited on Wednesday and left in a euphoric state! Vegetables were everywhere. Trav was running the Sparrow Bakery stand, live music was gently floating upon the fresh and whimsical breeze. Ahhh the days of Summer and her farmer's markets. Its such an iconic piece of the Bend Oregon experience!

Tex had her long awaited and highly anticipated 21st birthday. It was truly cause for celebration. We started at Parrilla's and two pitchers of Margarita (distributed among the 6 drinking participants). From there we rallied to Judy's party... after a brief engagement cruised downtown to enjoy some freshly baked cookies and scotch that Rachel Karlin and Ian presented. An hour later the crew went straightway to Anthony's. Neighbor Scotty was working the bar...and let me tell you, he worked the bar! The man has fantastic skills. During our time there Tex enjoyed a Spanish coffee which is wonderfully relevant to her visit to my favorite dive bar: Correy's. But first, we rode home and all assumed their most comfortable relaxed positions as Mr. Jon Begin regaled us with a stunning musical performance.
It was nearly 1 am when Tex and I rode to Corey's. As is my tradition, we had Maker's on the rocks with straws. We spent quality time singing to old jukebox classics, and... well drinking whiskey. Travis passed by around 1: 15 on his way to the Sparrow Bakery (he's the baker, I suggest the Ocean Roll croissant if you go). Rachel and Ian were there to celebrate with us the disconcerting flourescent lights indicating the end of the evening's festivities.
Updates in the last week:

Ashley Stone returned from India, and has taken it upon herself to cook delicious meals for the house!
Amanda just arrived two days ago with her newly upholstered Saab.
We persuaded Lily to pitch her tent in the back yard.
Matt Franke is returning to the cubby for the Summer. He has a full-time job too. Every night Matt walks into the house with his red lunch pail: shirtless, tanned, and tired. We love him!
We are well, and more joyful then ever to live in such a great community. There is a pervasive air of love and happiness in our home. And so the GC continues in effortless euphoria.
Come see us! I suggest arriving around breakfast or dinner time.
{For those of you who have access feel free to add more photos and goodness}
P.s. Stevarino, reporting from Anchorage (boat name: Pescado).
Brent, Ian and I disappear for the next 30 days.
Be well, do good work... and spread love!